I know that they say a miscarriage is not our fault. However, right before I found out that I was pregnant I was under an extreme amount of stress with work, school a...
I currently have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant again for 4 months now and we have been unsuccesful. I was wondering if ...
I have had problems carrying pregnancies in the past. I also have a hard time concieving becasue of this. I have one child and desprately want another. I don't have t...
My daughter is 7 months old now. I have not had omne mentsrual cylce yet. My doctor told me this is okay because I'm breastfeeding. I know I'm not pregnant. My bo...
We are TTC now since Sept. I have heard different things about taking vitamin B and evening primorose oil to help get pregnant. Can anyone tell me a little more abou...
It took ONE time to get pregnant with my daughter... now we want a second child and we have been trying for 6 months with no luck :/ Has anyone else had this problem?
I have heard that there are ways to get a better chance at getting pregnant with a boy or girl depending on sex positions. I was wondering if anyone had heard of this...
I was on the depo shot for 4 years. I came off of it in October, hoping to become pregnant. I knew that it was going to take a while for depo to get out of my syste...
I really want a baby .. I don't have too much money .. to get anything like the iuf or anything like that..
What can I do or take tobget pregnant..plus I have 1 fall...
I'm hoping some of you out there can lend some advice... I just recently went off my Pill in hopes to get pregnant in the coming months with our second child. I've be...