Hi, I have just started the 3rd trimester and have noticed after I brush my teeth in the morning before work and before I go to bed I get nauseas for about 2 hours af...
Hello, I am 5 wks pregnant and had some cramping and bleeding the other day. Went to doc's and sono showed sac appropriate to size for my week of pregnancy. Also dr...
I havent been to my OBGYN yet, and I want to know what kind of work outs are safe for me to do? I am addicted to doing abs, is that still safe for me to do> Im only 6...
Im only 5/6 weeks pregnant and I am SO tired! I am getting 8-9 hrs of semi-broken sleep at night, and an hour or so long nap in the early afternoon while my 2 year ol...
I just recently found out I was pregnant, I feel tired and nauseous all the time like I have a mild case of the flu. Mornings are the worst, I never throw up but its ...
I'm 7 weeks pregnant, and my symptoms haven't been too bad so far. But, I feel like my hunger just sneaks up on me, and when I'm hungry, I'm both ravenous and comple...
I'm 5 weeks pregnant, and have been spotting (brown, pink) daily a couple of times a day, sometimes with light cramping, for the past several days. I haven't seen my...
I feel like I am going crazy lately because a lot of the symptoms/discomforts I had in my 1st trimester seem to have returned on top of the 3rd trimester fun. I was ...
Has anyone dealt with constant (and I mean every second of every day) nausea, throwing up and constipation (maybe from nausea medicine from the Doctor) in the first t...
I've been feeling great 2nd trimestesr, but my first trimester I had a hard time dealing with the hormones and getting the blues and anxiety. Now i'm a week away fro...