family cell phone plans

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Results 31-40 from 1,191 articles

Cell Phones....

T.Q. asks from Pittsburgh

What is the right age to give a child a cell phone? I have heard a lot of feedback from friends where some believe that the child should be in college before they rec...


Cell Phone Ideas for a Middle Schooler

T.F. asks from Orlando

I am tossing around the idea of getting a cell phone for my son because he will be going to middle school next year and riding the school bus. I know the school has a...


Cell Phone for 11-Year Old's Birthday

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 10-year old SD has had a cell phone for 3 years now because she goes to her mom's house and we wanted her to feel like she could call her dad any time (Mom didn't ...


I Got My 10 Yr Old a Cell Phone

A.G. asks from Boston

I order a cell phone for my 10 yr old and it came in today. I ordered it from so I will have parental controls and all that fun stuff. He is in 4th grade r...


Cell Phone for 6 Year Old

R.F. asks from Dallas

My husband will be going on a year long deployment to San Diego. He only recently came back from a two year deployment to the Middle East. We wanted to get her, her...


What Cell Phone and Company Do You Use Specifically?

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi Moms! I have the same cell phone from 6 years ago. Basically, it's just a phone! Being a business owner, it's time to take the big technology leap and get with ...


Which Cell Phone Service Has the Best Coverage?

C.B. asks from Dallas

My husband and I will be switching our cell phone provider this month and I would like to know your experiences with different providers and their coverage, especiall...


Internet, Cell Phone and Kids..... How Do You Deal?

M.V. asks from Boston

I am having tough time trying to make the kids (11yr old and 16yr old both daughters) get to understand that internet and cell phone usage should be very limited now ...


Need Recommendations for Cell Phone Company

M.A. asks from Salt Lake City

We haven't switched over to smart phones yet because we have Verizon and the difference would be $60 per month for my husband and I. I was just wondering if anyone h...


Cell Phones

D.T. asks from Los Angeles

Which one do you think is the best cell phone plan? I would rather have a cheaper plan and limited time? Thank you.

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Answer Highlights

  • got their cell phones in 2 answers "Hi T., Our girls got their cell phones a little earlier than I would have normally ..."
  • turning off the wifi in 2 answers "well, turning off the wifi would work, i guess, but it would inconvenience you and ..."
  • never had a dropped call in 2 answers "... network so coverage is great - as much as I travel I've never had a dropped call ..."
  • get him a cell phone in 2 answers "... have waited until he was older but since it was either get him a cell phone ..."
  • verizon wireless in 3 answers "We use verizon wireless, my husband is very happy with his blackberry."