According to you we are in the "just wrong" category, as our 7yo has his own cell. ;)
- So he can call 911 in case of emergency (we do NOT have a land line nor do over half of our and his friends' families, also if -god forbid- we were in a car accident and I was unconscious and he was not, or at any point where he might need to call 911 from at the park or any other place. Pay phones have all but been eliminated. When I was a child I was taught to use a payphone or a neighbor's phone. In HIS childhood... most families are dual income and no one is home, and there are no payphones.)
- GPS tracking in case of emergency (which will work even if the phone is shut off, as long as the battery is still IN the phone)
- So he can always always always get ahold of me... whether at a sleepover, or a friend's house, or being babysat, or at a class, or at camp, or even at home if his dad's temper snaps and I'm out.
- To teach proper phone behaviors young. This ranges from paying his own bill (which he does out of his allowance), to cell etiquette.
- Educational purposes. Right now, it's primarily the star map... although we've also done some triangulation with it, as well as google maps & bus routes/train schedules with it. Plus how to get emergency services in various countries.
There are other reasons as well, but those are the major ones.