my little girl is almost 10 mths old i cant loose any of the baby weight. it seems like i am gaining weight. I dont have the extra money to go to the gym so i do my e...
What did everyone gain with each of their pregnancies? Did you start out at a normal weight, underweight, or overweight? Were you exercising throughout the pregnancy?...
How did you alleviate the pain of pelvic shifting and soreness during your pregnancy?
I find that exercise doesn't make it worse but leisurely walking makes me sor...
My doctor says to wait until my 6 weeks appointment to start back with my exercise routine. I feel the need to exercise now. I exercised nearly everyday during my p...
I have heard that it is a great way to help lose weight along with exercise.
Any one do it and if so what kinds of foods did you eat? I need some ideas
Okay, I know watch what I eat and exercise, but is there anything honestly, good for me or not to lose a few fast??? Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appre...