What did everyone gain with each of their pregnancies? Did you start out at a normal weight, underweight, or overweight? Were you exercising throughout the pregnancy?
#1-gained 26 lbs- no exercise
#2-gained 32 lbs- little to no exercise
#3 gained 24 lbs-regular exercise 4+ times a week
#4 gained ? (wouldn't let OB tell me! Would guess 25 lbs)-regular exercise 3-4x/wk
#5 gained 20lbs so far (at 31 wks)-exercise 4x/wk
Started out normal weight each time, right around 130 lbs.
Pre pregnancy weight with #1 was 102 lbs. Gained 54 lbs with exercising. Lost all but 2 lbs two months after the baby was born.
Gained 52 lbs with baby # 2, some exercise. Lost it all 4 mths after baby was born.
Gained 52 lbs with baby #3, some exercise. Lost it all 6 mths after baby was born.
Gained 60 lbs with baby #4, some exercise. Still have 4 lbs to lose...baby is 14 mths old. (my pre pregnancy weight is 108 lbs)
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I started out at 125 and gained 65 lbs with #1 little to no exercise and i ate to the book. Quit soda, caffeine all together craved avacados and other veggies. I had a ton of water is what the dr said.
number 2 I started at 135 and gained about 50 didnt care what I ate little to no excercise. Dr told me yet again I had a lot of water. I think he was just being nice.
ETA: Good Gosh man I gained a TON after reading some of these replies. Good thing I had no problems ie. gestational diabetes or anything else but I was a HEFFER!
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I gained 18 pounds with my first pregnancy and 13 with my second. The pregnancy weight really just fell off after I delivered. I have never been one for exercise.
Now the extra weight that I was carrying before pregnancy hasn't come off so easy :)
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Started at 170 (that's bikini weight for my height, with awesome little six pack). In short people parlance, about a size 4-6... Aka what size I'd have worn if I was 5'-5'6.
Gained 180.
Not a typo.
Lost 40 pounds the day he was born (10lb baby, 20+ lb placenta, amniotic fluid for days... My uterus was the size of a trip/quad/quint mom -depending on how mature for delivery). Lost a LOT of water weight that first week.
High risk pregnancy (modified bedrest throughout... My placenta was ripping away -and regrowing, and ripping, and regrowing... Hence being almost 10x the size of a normal placenta). + Cancer + metabolitic disorder + always JUST under for preeclampsia = 180 freakin pounds.
Strict 2100 calorie and nutrient load diet.
NO exercise. I could have happily throttled all the uppity idiots telling me to exercise because I was so fat. The big fear was that the placenta would rip away and I'd bleed out before I could get to the hospital just WALKING 10 feet. My OB/midwife team was ticked. They wanted me on hospital bedrest but my insurance wouldn't cover it. And because it was state insurance, I had tonjumpbthrough hoops that kept me from total bedrest. It was touch and go for months. Ahem. Like 6.. <laughing> I'm STILL cranky about people who don't k kw other people's medical history telling them what they "should" do.
Lost 100+ after a year (my body didn't trust me)
Still have 20-30lbs of SKIN (insurance would pay IF kiddo had been a multiple, but won't now until my back is too damaged from it).
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answers from
New Orleans
First pregnancy gained 60 Pounds!!! No exercise...Thankfully I lost all those 60 pounds off. Got back to my normal weight of 160.
Second pregnancy gained 40 pounds. No exercise....Lost those 40 pounds and got back to 160.
Third pregnancy gained 50 pounds....No exercise.....Had a extra 22 pounds left on.
I figured something was wrong with my body,sure enough i had blood work done and had underactive thyroid disease.(which explains why i had a hard time losing the weight.)
6 months after my son was born I started doing my research and watching my calorie intake and exercise when I could. Year and half later been doing this and lost a total of 37 pounds.(so now down to 145!! ) yay!!
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#1 starting weight 117 gained 28 pounds ending weight 145.
#2 starting weight 114 gained 28 pounds ending weight 142.
#3 starting weight 108 gained 25 pounds ending weight 133.
With all my pregnancies I can't exercise much due to problems with my placenta. So I just try to watch what I eat in order to keep my weight gain in check! Also with my first 2 pregnancies I was in the healthy range for my pre pregnancy weight. With #3 I was 2 pounds away from being under weight so my doc told me to gain a little more but....I didn't :p haha and baby was totally healthy and fine.
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answers from
San Francisco
With both I lost approx 24 lbs as I had bad morning sickness.
I put back on the weight quickly as my appetite comes back with a vengeance as soon as they come out lol
B. k
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I started around 115 (normal for me, I'm 5'5)
The day before birth I was at 164 LOL!
I ate anything I wanted and never exercised (not intentionally, I'm naturally very active)
I lost it all in 3 weeks, back down to 115.
That was 4 years ago and I'm at exactly 120 now. I still don't exercise.
The doctor said mine was primarily fluid. I didn't look big, just like I had swallowed a beach ball. The rest of me was normal looking, aside from some swollen ankles :)
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My first pregnancy I started out at 130 lbs. Nearing the end of my pregnancy I nearly got to 200 lbs. For the 1st trimester I went to my regular kick-boxing class and then switched to water aerobics. I continued gaining the entire time - I had awful fluid retention (and to be honest I only wanted to eat chocolate pudding or totelini).
With my 2nd pregnancy I seemed to eat worse than the first but I didn't have nearly the same fluid retention - I actually HAD ankles!!! With my daughter I started approx. 130lbs and gained about 40 lbs.
and now - back to my starting weight.
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I started out overweight because my hormones were out of whack. Pregnancy balanced my hormones and I my weightiness shifted, and I felt healthy and vibrant. Everything was smooth and tight. I lost weight first and then gained it back. At the end of my pregnancy, I weighed about the same as my original weight, but it was all in my belly. I was not exercising, per se, but I made sure to walk whenever I could. I took the stairs instead of the elevator. At work, I got up to get stuff instead of letting somebody bring it to me.
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Started at 122 lbs, gained 27 lbs. I ran regularly into my 7th month, then walked. Didn't lose it all until she stopped BFing and started walking (and I started chasing)!
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I was underweight both times. Started each at 97 lbs., I'm 5'3".
Lost 25 on the table with my 1st - my OB pointed it out while he was stitching me up - my stomach was gone! Lost the weight for both in about 6 months-no exercise.
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answers from
San Francisco
I gained 85lbs!!! I went to the doctors once and they couldn't enter my weight because the computer said "data entry error" hahahaha. No exercise and lots of cheeseburgers, lol. I started underweight and easily lost it within a year (the one positive side effect of stress). Definitely wouldn't do that again.
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I started out at my regular weight of 115#
My max weight was 138#
My current weight is about 118#
One and only baby girl, 17 yrs ago.
Yes, I exercised faithfully throughout the pregnancy as I always have. I went to a modified program at the hospital specifically for pregnant moms. I am still friends with some of the moms in my class!
I am petite, 5'5", and I can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy classics ( classic black cocktail dress, etc)
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With my first, I honestly don't know how much I gained. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I started the pregnancy at extremely obese and, after my first pre-natal checkup, the scale at the doctor didn't go high enough anymore (it topped out at 350). I was back down to 347 at my 6-week check-up after birth, though. At least that's somewhat comforting.
I'm 23 weeks now with my second. This pregnancy is totally different. I had bariatric surgery in January 2011 and had lost over 230 pounds when I found out I was pregnant in March 2012. We had planned on waiting 18 months after surgery, under doctor's recommendation...oops. Now, I eat constantly almost all day every day, but I've only gained 10 pounds so far (as of 20 weeks, anyway). I just barely outgrew my pre-pregnancy jeans last week. I had planned to wear them on the 4th of July, pulled them up and, while they buttoned, I knew I couldn't wear them all day. Ordered my first pair of maternity jeans online earlier this week. I don't have a scale at home, but I'll have my next check-up next week, so we'll see if I've gained the 1-pound-a-week I'm supposed to, or if it's been more/not enough. Not sure.
Exercise with the first was non-existent. This time, I actually ran a 5K the day after I found out I was pregnant. Kept up with the exercise until about 2 weeks ago. I literally don't have time to exercise unless I go on my lunch break, which is what I did up until recently. I find that I need rest a lot...it's hard to keep up when I work 50 hours a week (one job is FT and the other is from home in the evenings). Plus I have a very active 4-year-old. Can you blame me for wanting to sleep a lot? haha
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I gained about 20 pounds with my son. I had a few extra pounds to start but I don't think that was very much to gain.
Because what I really *gained* was SO much more than a few lbs!
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I gained no weight with my first and only. I was overweight to start. After I delivered, I was down 35 lbs within 3-4 weeks. Another 10 lbs within another month. I have kept off all but 7 lbs for 6 years now. I exercised 30 minutes daily plus some walking 3-5 times a week.
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I was underweight with both pregnancies, and threw up throughout each pregnancy, so I have no idea how I managed to gain so much weight. I could hold down potatoes, and ate a lot of them, so I guess that's how. ;) I was in and out of the hospital with each pregnancy because of all kinds of complications, including dehydration because of not being able to hold much down, and that caused preterm labor. I was on bedrest for several months each time. The babies were early, but healthy. :)
I was also surprisingly consistent with each pregnancy. With both I started at 94 pounds, gained exactly 50 pounds, and now weigh 94 again. The boys are now 8 and 14. I never exercised while pregnant. I was too sick.
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Grand Forks
I was 125 when I got pregnant with my first. I gained 30 lbs, and was 155 when I gave birth to an 8 lb baby. After a year of nursing I was 105. I was still 105 when I got pregnant with my second, gained 50 lbs and was again 155 when I gave birth to another 8 lb baby. Again, after a year of nursing I was down to 105. Seven years later I am back to 125. I didn't really exercise, but I was active.
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I gained 35 pounds, and my OB was hoping for 40. I was not allowed to exercise, because I was on bed rest the majority of the time. When they weighed me right before my c-section, my final weight was 131 pounds. I was SO excited, because I have never weighed over 100. I was hoping I would hold onto 10 pounds of the weight, but I didn't.
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I gained 22 pounds with both pregnancies. I ran until 6 month mark with first. Lost more than the 22 pounds after the first and was pregnant 9 months later with the second. Gained 22 again and ran from day one to day baby born with number 2! Took 2 days off and went back to running after baby's birth and lost baby weight with both pregnancies within the first 6 weeks or less.
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I started out 145 pounds, gained 45 pounds w first, she was born 6 weeks early. Second time started out 155 or so, gained 65!(That SUCKED!) She was 17 days early. I had preeclampsia both times, so lots of fluid. I'm now back to 145 :)
Also, a little swimming & walking w first, but not much. & with second, just playing with my 2 year old, no real exercise...
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Started at 100 pounds. And totally buff, toned, and chiseled. Normal weight per my frame etc.
Gained about 25 lbs. with my first.
Gained 15 pounds exactly, with my 2nd. My Doc was happy.
I lost that 15 pounds.
But am still not at my pre-pregnancy weight.
So I still have that extra 25 lbs.
Oh well.
Husband has no problems with it.
Me neither.
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I was 95lbs before I got pregnant with my first, I gained 48lbs with him (he was 7lbs5oz when he was born). I exclusively breast fed and lost all my weight and then some within 6 weeks. With my second, I gained 30lbs (she was 6lbs9oz) and it took about 8 weeks to loose the weight (breast fed her as well). I didn't exercise before getting pregnant so I didn't want to start after I was!
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answers from
Kansas City
i started out overweight, and have only had one child. i gained 32 lbs and it was ALL gone by the time my son was a couple weeks old - i had anxiety that kept me from eating basically anything the first week or two and solved that problem. hard to eat when the thought of food makes you nauseated! (also a lot of my weight was water, i was swollen like crazy!) i didn't exercise at all for my pregnancy. (am now though! lol)
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answers from
San Francisco
#1 gained 22 lbs. Was a vegetarian, no exercise
#2 gained 20 lbs. Was not a vegetarian, no exercise but saw a dietician every 3 weeks.
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i was normal weight and lost 20 lbs throughout from getting sick and gained that back the last few months of not getting sick. My final weigh in was the same as start although that doesnt account for the fact I gained back what I lost. When I left the hospital I wieghed 10 lbs less then when I started. I also am tall and she never droppedso I wore my jeans the entire time....wish i could say i took advantage of that and exercies after and stayed in shape...i'm prob the same weight now 5 years later
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answers from
Salt Lake City
Okay, with my first, I started at normal weight, gained 35 lbs., walked everywhere I went (we were living in Korea, and I did not have a Korean driver's license) and exercised regularly. I played racketball through my eighth month.
I kept 20 of that 35 lbs. despite breastfeeding, exercising, and watching what I ate. Sigh. Can I still blame it on the baby when she's 11?!
With my second, I started 20 pounds over what I should have weighed, gained 19 lbs., and barely exercised at all after 20 weeks because my pregnancy went high risk. I lost everything I gained afterward with no work at all. Go figure.
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answers from
Los Angeles
I was underweight when I got pregnant and then I was so ill w/nausea that I can remember being 110 at the ob and him saying I needed to start drinking milkshakes and eating more. Suddenly after 3 months the nausea went away and right before I delivered I was 160 :)
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answers from
Des Moines
I'm also plus size and gained 25 with my first...not a ton of exercise. Lost a lot of weight before my second and gained 12 pounds with her...with zero exercise...it was last summer and it was freaking HOT in Iowa and I didn't want to go outside for my walks!
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my first pregnancy I was slightly overweight a few months before... lost weight and was right at the top end of "normal" and I was 21 years old- 21 lbs
my second pregnancy I was 16 lbs less than the weight I was when I became pregnant the first time (and about at the median "normal" weight range). I gained a whopping 37 lbs! trust me... i was NOT happy at my last few doctor visits. Thankfully- I am pretty sure a lot of that weight was water weight.
thankfully I lost all my baby weight in 3 months and lost an additional 15 lbs in the 3 months after that! I did light exercise during both pregnancies. The first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes the was well controlled, and I had a complication free pregnancy the second time around!
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With #1 I gained 67 pounds. I walked daily for about an hour. But to reverse that I seriously thought I was eating for 2. uhg so dumb
With #2 I gained 40 pounds and didn't excersize at all for fear of loosing him early. But I eat healthier and walked only to work. (5 min) each way
Next time I am going to swim my booty off cuz I am still fighting the weight to come off.
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I am totally brave enough!!!
#1 - gained 45 - perfect eating, exercise every day
#2 - gained 55 - perfect eating, exercise every day
#3 - gained 65 - good eating, lots of sweets, very little exercise
#4 - gained 80!!! - enjoyed all that I ate which was obviously everything and no exercise. Felt terrible the whole time and would not recommend this to anyone. = ) Have a fantastic little one out of it though.
I am 6 foot tall and always in great shape. I have lost all the weight every time.
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4 babies - I'm a very thin person - 120 to start, before first pregnancy. 133 now that I'm 50.
I didn't exactly exercise when I was pregnant with any of them, but I wasn't a slug either - except with the last one, where I was on bedrest for 4 weeks.
Food was not my friend when I was pregnant. I had many food aversions, such as eggs, meat with nothing on it (such as steak or hamburger - but cassaroles were fine). Just weird things made me all gaggy.
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Boca Raton
gained 31lbs. Yes, I worked out my whole pregnancy. I was probably considered underweight :)
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I'm brave enough! My first 2 I started out underweight-and I mean WAY under.
1st-started out at 122lbs(I am 6ft) and ended at 158lbs tons of exercise-I ran throughout the pregnancy and 5 days after giving birth was into my regular size 2 clothes!.
2nd around 140 pounds ended at 212(only exercised partway through due to complication)!!!!!(went down to 150 in about 4 weeks).
This one I have put on 32 pounds and I am at 35 weeks. Exercise has been sporadic due to complications again!
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I was overweight with each. I also have PCOS. While pregnant, my body actually had a metabolism and I was healthy!!!!
I gained 10 pounds with the first and lost inches on my frame.
I then gained 15 pounds over the next year while breastfeeding.
I gained 12 pounds with the second and lost inches on my frame.
I gained 10 pounds over the next year while breastfeeding.
I'm the backwards lady!
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I'm plus size. My first one I gained about 24#, she weighed 10.12 and I immediately lost 56# before I left the hospital. I believe that was because I threw up constantly the entire 9 months, even during my c-section!
With my second I gained about 26, he weighed 11# at birth and I lost the same amount before I left the hospital. I had morning sickness with him the whole time too, but not as much as the first one.
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answers from
Washington DC
with my first I weighed about 160 (I'm 5'8" with a wide frame) gained 20 lbs, and lost it all. With my second I started out at about the same weight (might have been up around 170 by then) and only gained 8 lbs. And with the third I started out at 200 lbs and my total weight gain by the end of my pregnancy was minus 5 lbs.