So i have the shot for birth control. can i use diet pills with it? I became pregnant with my second son on birth control because i was using diet pills too. Can anyo...
I've been trying to find a birth control that works for me. My GYN gave me a sample of NuvaRing and told me that I should try it. I'm really not sure about it. To me ...
I know that this question is asked a lot but does anyone know of any help with controlling over-eating and snacking? I've been working out and seeing results but I st...
I have been taking birth control pills for about a year and a half now. For some reason no mater what I try I somehow forget to take a pill every now and then. Abou...
I am planning on switching birth control methods. I am thinking of switching to depo or the other shot that is monthly (the name escapes me). I would really like to...
I have about 20 pounds to lose, and I've been trying to find a diet that works for me. I tried the Atkins diet- 20 carbs a day for 2 weeks, but it was too difficult ...
Help! I feel like my hormones are completely out of control! I have had horrible PMS for the past few months and each month seems worse than the last. Last month I...
My son is four and he has never really been on a schedule. This is due to the many many changes that were beyond my control over the years. Anyhow, he refuses to li...