check up

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Not So Good 12 Month Check Up.....

J.P. asks from Lewiston

So on Monday, I brought my daughter to her 12 month appointment for her check up and some shots. Everything was going fine and the FNP said my daughter is super healt...


Pizza Preference Reality Check

M.L. asks from Cleveland

our family was going in a million directions yesterday. Hubs and Ds were across down at one event and needed to join DD and i at event #2 at 4:30. DD and i also w...


Yearly Check Up

V.W. asks from Dallas

I'm 36 years old and i need to get my yearly check up done. Does anyone know what need to be tested at this age? I've been having back, neck, wrist problems since I...


Truly Free Credit Score Check?

J.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking to check my credit score and know there are many sites to go to. However, I've heard that several charge for the check but say it is free. Are there any...


Check Fees

N.P. asks from Allentown

I went to order checks for my account and was shocked to find they raised the price to $20 a box. It's $12 for the checks & $8 shipping. There is no discount to ord...


IRS Stimulus Tax Rebate Check

T.L. asks from Dallas

Has anyone not received their tax rebate check on the date the IRS schedule stated? We qualify for the rebate and the date for our check to be direct deposited has pa...


What All Happens at the 4 Year Check-up?

A.R. asks from Chattanooga

My daughter's 4 year is coming up soon and I've heard its the worst check-up so far...Just curious about everything they did at your childs check-up? Thanks!


15 Month Check-up?

N.S. asks from Eau Claire

I have a question. I just had my son's 1 year check-up and the nurse had me make a 15 month check-up. Is that usual. I thought that it was an 18 month check-up. T...


Do You Check Expiration Dates on the Food You Purchase?

N.N. asks from Detroit

Happy New Year Mamapedia! I have to remind myself to do this all the time while shopping? who buys food and forgets to check the dates or am I the only one?


Bank of America Check Pending Question.

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

i deposited my check into my e banking account i have through bank of america. they immediately released 205 dollars to my account but theres over 300 thats left pend...

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