buy gift items

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Pans -- What Kind to Buy

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

I am in need of a new pan (or several). I currently use those nonstick pans, but they are really wearing out so I want to buy some new, good quality pans that will l...


Secret Santa Gift That Is Not a Gift Card

C.R. asks from Kansas City

Our work did a Secret Santa this year with a max budget of $15. What is a good go to gift for a 20 yr old girl that is not a gift card?


Budget Items for Stuff to Open?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi all - my 6.5 year old son doesn't ask for much, and our budget is super tight. We got him an electric train set (early so he could pick it with dad) and he LOVES ...


Is This Tacky for Christmas Gift?

M.C. asks from Detroit

My SIL is struggling and doesn't have a big place. She doesn't cook much or have any hobbies. In the past, I have bought her bubble baths, soaps, and knicknacks, bu...


Breast Pumps & Other 'Must Have' Baby Gift Registry Items

J.J. asks from San Francisco

I am 5 1/2 months pregnant & beginning my baby registry. I have 2 questions: What breast pump would you recommend for a planning on breast feeding mother? What...


Room Mom Collected Money for Party, Now Wants Us to Supply Items for Party

V.T. asks from Washington DC

My daughter's room mom collected $15 to cover party expenses for the year (3 parties). Today she sent home a letter asking for various party supplies (drinks, napkin...


What to Buy Her for Christmas

J.K. asks from Chicago

Well my daughter was born on Christmas day and so she gets loaded with presents. She is just turning 3 this Christmas. Problem is as someone mentioned earlier she has...


Gift for 15Yr Old Boy

B.B. asks from Portland

I picked up a gift ornament at church today from the gift tree for a needy family. I picked, "gift for a 15yr old boy". Since I don't know who he is I can't get him ...


Looking for Wedding Gift Idea

K.G. asks from Chicago

My girlfriend is getting married next month and registered for a few items only because they had to register. I would like to do something different for a gift for t...


Baptism Gift Ideas

W.D. asks from Dallas

I have never been to a Catholic baby baptism so I don't know; Are you suppose to bring a gift? If so, do you all have any good gift ideas? The baby is a girl and is a...

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