The other moms' advice is fantastic; I wouldn't change a thing they said. Also I would like to add, really research the stroller. You will use it so much, you don't want to get the wrong one. A friend with 4 kids told me, strollers are like shoes. You need different ones for different purposes.
For our first child we bought one of those travel systems by Graco and HATED IT. It was big and bulky (try navigating through Baby Gap in something the size of an SUV, it was ridiculous!) and started making these ominous creaking noises after 6 months.
We also got a baby jogger, which we have used and used - now on child #2 and still going strong. (We have the Expedition by Baby Trend. If you actually run, instead of walk, you may want one of the ones especially designed for runners though.)
For child #2 I decided to invest in a better stroller and went whole hog with the Bugaboo Frog. Now, it cost more than my first car, but I've got to tell you, this thing has been incredible. It maneuvers easily and I bought a riding board for my 2 year old to ride on behind the stroller. It has attachments for the car seat, a bassinet, a toddler seat, rain cover, mosquito netting, you name it. Now Bugaboo came out with the Bee stroller, which I would buy if I were in the market. It's the same idea but it's an umbrella stroller with all those same cool attachments. My thought is, the smallest stroller you can get that has all the stuff you want - that's the one you should buy for daily use.
Keep in mind that although you could buy a ridiculously expensive stroller, you can also get them used on eBay for a lot cheaper! Maybe even borrow one from a friend who is done using hers. Most of all, borrow someone's baby and try out strollers for a while in the store before you buy. Especially important, take it out to your car and try holding the borrowed baby while folding the stroller and putting it into your car. You don't want to buy something that is a struggle to load into the car! =)
Good luck and have fun!