I recently lost a baby due to chromosonal abnormalities at 13 weeks. I am 39 years old and already have 3 beautiful children. This recent pregnancy was not "planned...
I am now about 8 weeks pregnant- I have had some bleeding last week and the week before. When I do a lot (cleaning, organizing, bending over since we are moving) I ge...
I have been have spells of feeling like I either got beat up or had a really tough work out. I don't work out I'm a stay at home mom and watch my 1 year old niece. Th...
I've been reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility and would like to be able to use this method but I have questions. Is it difficult to really understand the signs a...
I just went to my OB/GYN yesterday for my extremely irregular and HEAVY periods. I am 39 years old, and am finished having kiddos. I am SICK of my periods; they are n...
my disgusting question is, this:
I'm about 4-6 weeks along and im having constant discharge and what looks like bloating and also pressure on my belly towards my b...
I'm very surprised I haven't received any responses accept some support from Jennifer (thank you!). I've been reading old posts regarding miscarriages so I know some...
My daughter is 13. About a year ago, she came to me with a swollen ankle and some ankle pain (mild). We went to the doctor, who sent us for x-rays and told her to t...
Has anyone experienced major side effects from changing their birth control pill? After I had my son and was nursing, my OB put me on a low-estrogen pill. My cycle ...
I am currently 6 months pregnant with my second child. Yesterday, I took my son to a local lake to swim. We stayed all day, and even though I was applying SPF 50 su...