I agree with Joanne, no bending or lifting. I too had some bleeding early on in my pregnancy, my doctor did order an ultrasound, and everything came back fine. I'd push for that & in the mean time take it easy.
I am now about 8 weeks pregnant- I have had some bleeding last week and the week before. When I do a lot (cleaning, organizing, bending over since we are moving) I get cramping and bleed more. Is this normal? I went to the dr, they tested me, said my hormones are continue to multiply since I am so early on she couldn't do a ultra sound. advice anyone?
Thank you for all your answers I ended up back at the doctors office. They did another ultrasound to find out I had Blighted Ovum which means a baby didn't form during the process. A set or sack was created but a baby did not start forming. That was the reason for all the bleeding and cramps. I will have to let my body naturally get rid of the sack or get a D&C.
I am doing better now it was a bit of a shock, but thanks again everyone.
I agree with Joanne, no bending or lifting. I too had some bleeding early on in my pregnancy, my doctor did order an ultrasound, and everything came back fine. I'd push for that & in the mean time take it easy.
Take it easy a bit...no bending and lifting...
And ask when they can do an ultrasound... I had one at 8 weeks and they were able to see that the egg implanted etc...
Good luck!
I bled on and off throughout my pregnancy due to a cervical polyp that was discovered around 11 wks. It was part of the reason I didn't realize I was pregnant for QUITE some time, I just thought I was having my period! The bleeding was definitely more when I was more active. However, I knew I was OK because of the polyp. If you don't know what's going on yet, then you should take it easy until you DO know what's going on.
Have your doctor check for polyps. It definitely alarming to have bleeding during your pregnancy, but they cause no harm to the baby, and they are, as I was told, "destroyed" by the baby coming out if you have a vaginal delivery. Good luck and take care and TAKE IT EASY!!
I would agree with the others take it easy on the bending and etc.... Mainly in the early weeks of pregnancy... Now that I'm reading your post... It's crazy because my 2nd pregnacy I kept a normal period up until it stopped when I noticed I was pregnant! Lol... I believe its the bright red that is bad!! Congrats and good luck!
I had vaginal ultrasounds at 8 weeks with both of my kids - at which piont we saw the heartbeat. So you might want to find a different OB...because she's just wrong.
FWIW: I spotted with my first at two different points - week 9 and 12.
I was told that there is nothing you can do to prevent or cause a miscarriage. It's either going to happen or not - regardless of physical activity, etc...
My son turns 4 tomorrow, so things worked out just fine. I learned that 20% of woman have bleeding during pregnancy, and 95% of the time, everything is normal.
So try to just relax. As long as the bleeding isn't progressing into more and more, and you're not cramping severely along with it, things are fine.
You need to so the bending and all the stuff. And call your dr. The should be able to do a trans-vaginal sonogram to check on the baby if you are 8 weeks. Most wont do it before 8 weeks. Take care of yourself and rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bright red blood is what you don't want, according to my doc. Sounds like you are doing too much and your body is telling you that you need to slow down. Blessings to you.
I have always been told that bleeding can be normal in the first trimester of pg. With my second pg I had bad cramping and called my doctor, where I live the doctor dosn't see patients till 12 weeks, told me to take it easy and whatever I would do to cause the pain to stop. Another pregnancy I had almost normal periods till I reached my second trimester. Take it easy! Good luck!
Please, the first thing you should do is: Tell your OB/GYN. Call your Doctor.
Did they do a vaginal sonogram yet?
My Doc, does this vaginal sonogram, in office, when I was about 5 weeks pregnant. And this is when I also got a "picture" of my little "baby."
My Doc also does this to check for the heartbeat. At this time, I also saw it and my Doc showed me.
"Ultrasounds" are typically done later in the pregnancy.
I can be due to anything.
Over exertion.
your period. Some women still get their period when pregnant.
Are you keeping hydrated? Drinking water?
Stay off your feet.
Don't do all that heavy cleaning or moving. Tell your Husband to do it.
Did you tell him you are bleeding?
I'm sure he's not going to expect you to do all that heavy cleaning once you tell him.
I bled almost like a period for a week with my second child around week 6. I was pretty sure I had miscarried, but he was fine and I just had to kick him off my computer! I'm confused why they can't do an internal ultrasound -- I had one at 8 weeks with both kids. Bleeding can happen and you can be fine, but you need to get checked, at least a Doppler for a heartbeat.
"There is nothing you can do to cause or to prevent a miscarriage." That's what I was told when having my two miscarriages.
They can absolutely do an US at 8 weeks. I've had them even earlier. If you've had bleeding, your doctor should want to do an US to see what is happening. If your doctor won't, insist on a second opinion.
she is wrong. they can do a vaginal ultrasound to find out what is going on.
I had this with #4. i would be spotting and occasional bleeding along with cramping ( some worse than others) They did a vaginal ultra sound at 6 weeks. I had a hole in the placenta. They told me I had a 50/50 chance of carrying him until 20 weeks. If I was able to get to the 20 week mark we would be fine carrying him full term.
The bleeding and cramping quit a little after 3 months along. At my 20 week ultrasound the hole had healed up and was no longer there. I carried my son full term and he had no health problems at all.
I would get a second opinion on that no matter what they find out, because they can do ultra sounds that early! I also had a vaginal ultra sound at 4-5 weeks along and then was rushed into emergancy surgery because I had a tubal pregnancy and my tube was ready to burst. With that one I had major pain and bleeding all the time and major blood clots.
Please get a second opinion on it!
Take it easy! If it is bright red-go to the ER, if it is rusty-still go to the ER-all the best!