I am 36.5 weeks pregnant. I had an ultra sound yesterday and my baby is breech. My Dr told me to put an ice pack where his head is to try to get him to turn. I did th...
I have been constantly changing my mind as to finding out the gender of this baby (I'm 13 weeks). I would like to know as my last baby was a surprise, we even did the...
I am 34 weeks pregnant and my baby is growing very slowly. I went to the doctor yesterday and she has only grown a couple days in size where she should have grown a ...
I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and my baby is breech. I wasn't too concerned up until this point, but my midwife suggested at my last appt. that I see a chiro...
I know that picking a baby name is personal preference but thought I would get some opinions anyways.... Our due date is coming up in 3 weeks and we can not decide on...
I have a 1 month old baby, and I was wondering what I should do about some acne she has on her face. They look like little red heatbumps, and they're just on her cheeks.
I saw my Dr. today and she told me I was measuring a bit big and wants me to get an ultrasound all my tests have come back excellent so I am healthy. I was just wonde...
I'm 17 weeks pregnant and have not been that happy with my current OB office. I started going there since I found out I was pregnant as my former OB didn't deliver i...
My 5 week old has baby acne. My first child didn't have it and it looks like it hurts but everything I've read basically says it doesn't. If you've had a child with b...