african american boy name

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Results 11-20 from 120 articles

Hair Care for Baby

K.D. asks from New York

Hello, I'm a first time mom looking for advice on how to keep my 3 month old baby's hair moisturized. She's African American. I was told to put baby oil by some famil...


Mixed Race Infant Hair Care

A.F. asks from Boston

I am due to have a mixed race (african american & white) little girl in Feb. I have started to stress out because, I don't know how to take care of nappy hair. I know...


Toddler Inappropriately Bringing up Race/ethnicty - What to Do?

E.K. asks from Seattle

My 2.5 year old is starting to notice race - specifically African-Americans. On 2 recent occasions, she has seen an African American and said "Are you black?" (over a...


Bi-Racial Kids

C.M. asks from New York

Bernie K's question made me think of my own situation. I am African American and my sons father is mixed (black and white). My son has very fair skin, blue eyes and ...


Embarrassing Comments from Your Kid.

J.S. asks from Jacksonville

My daughter got me twice in one day. She is four and is very outgoing. The other day we were at the pool. She had been playing with a large group of kids. Suddenl...


Your Thoughts on Speaking About Skin Color

D.W. asks from Dallas

Moms, I will try to be short and to the point, but I want to know how you handle or if you feel the need to handle issues of race when it comes to your kids. Let me ...


Skin Color and Biracial Identity

A.J. asks from Boston

I'm biracial, half black, half white. My husband is white and our 9-month old son has very light skin--he looks white. There have been several occasions when I've b...


Race at School

E.F. asks from St. Louis

Have any of you moms out there ever had to deal with racial friction at school? I am half asian, my husband is white - we have a 7 yo daughter. She looks like me, s...


Why's That Baby Black?

E.J. asks from Lincoln

My 6 year old son and I were at a friend's house. Her friend came over who is African American (as in the very true definition as she immigrated from Africa). She h...


Who Is This Guy????

L.C. asks from Raleigh

YOu know how NOGGIN puts different songs between their cartoons????There is this African American boy(maybe 12-13 years old) who sings this "Ugly duckling" song and s...

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