african american boy name

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Results 41-50 from 120 articles

Bullying in Grade School

D.M. asks from Seattle

My son is in 5th grade. He is quite funny, outgoing, cute, very athletic and tries to be a "good" person. Today he came home and told me that 3 kids had been bullying...


More Potty Training Advice

E.P. asks from Colorado Springs

I need some more potty training advice. My 21-month old son is finally showing signs that maybe he's ready to start potty training but I don't know what kind of pott...


Is Race Still an Issue?

D.D. asks from Houston

My child is in 6th grade. She has started talking about a boy that she likes and that likes her. He is a different race. I see no problem with it and she and her f...


I Have a Question About Strangers Touching and Making Coments About My Son.

J.D. asks from Dallas

OK almost every place we go at least one stranger decides its ok to start touching my son. I know his a baby and cute and all but what's the deal? They don't even ask...


6 Year Old Suddenly Interesed in the Diference Between Black and White People

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

Emmy's was best friends last year with girls who are korean, she's friends with the handicapped kids at school and also friends with kids of all diferent nationalitie...


Playground Race Discrimination with Daughter

V.M. asks from San Francisco

My daughter, who just turned 5 years old, was at the playground in our apartment community Monday morning and saw another young girl she wanted to play with. She walk...


Question About Non-caucasion Baby

R.R. asks from Dallas

I am an extremely light skinned caucasion, married to a caucasion. I have a rather stupid question about babies that are NOT caucasion. I have a 9 month old grandso...


Single Father Needs Nanny

P.M. asks from Dallas

Hello! I have a good friend who is a single father of two beautiful girls. He has a 3 year old and a 2 year old. Their mom left when the youngest was a few weeks old....


The Most Interesting Person.....

S.J. asks from St. Louis

Think of the most interesting person you have met or know. What makes them interesting? Mine would have to be my 8th grade teacher - she spoke three languages a...


My Son Is Biraccial

S.R. asks from Los Angeles

seeking other mother with biraccial children, and any problems encountered

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