Have you had the endometrial ablation called NovaSure done? Pros? Cons? How old were you? What was your experience? My doctor recommends me to have this procedure...
My gyno recommends I get Novasure ablation. I have been bleeding for 4 months straight with gushing (lots) until I finally got a progesterone pill from my new gyno (o...
I am considering an endometrial ablation. My doctor performs both HTA (hot water in a balloon) in his office and Novasure in a hospital. Has anyone had this procedu...
I am 28 and I have 3 kids. My husband and I thought since we had our two boys and our girl we were done but now I am rethinking it but I need answers. My question is ...
I am scheduled to have surgery on September 25th for an endometrial ablation. while I am sure this will cease my heavy bleeding each month, I am more concerned with ...
Was hoping I could get some '2 cents" from mommma's who have had success with Mirana IUD. I would also like your "2 cents" on complications on it. Doctor is strongly...
I just recently stumbled upon information about Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. I had tubal ligation 4 years ago and the symptoms I have had since then all seem to fit...
I am breastfeeding my 5 month old and hubby had the snip snip. The soul purpose would be menstrual regulation as I currently bleed every other week and have if I am ...
I have been having trouble with irregular and heavy periods which are also painful so I went to see my GYNE and she did an ultra sound to make sure I have no other is...
I am considering having endometrial ablation known as Novasure. My OBGYN tells me it is a 90 second procedure which removes the lining of the uterus via an electrosur...