I had mine done in January 09'. It was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I was uncomfortable for about a week but then right back to normal. Not enough to slow me down. Only the first 2 days. I do still get a period but it only lasts 3 days now and is very light. I am very young to have had one done though so my doctor told me that my periods will come back over time as the endometrium heals. I am only 32, 30 at the time of surgery. My doc used the Novasure procedure, much more effective. The way it was explained to me, is if I were in my late 40's early 50's I probably would not have to have it done again because I would be entering menopause and the ablation would just fix the bleeding problem. But for me, it did fix the bleeding problem but my hormones are not even close to menopausal so I will have bleeding issues again and I will definitely have another ablation done when it gets to that point. Without even another thought.. It was and is the best!!! I'm sure you know that you will not be able to have children after this procedure. Being young that was a big consideration with my doctor, she was even hesitant, but I have 4 and told her that was plenty... Besides hubby had already had a vasectomy. Best of luck. I recommend Novasure in hospital.