My four month old son just had his first tooth pop through his gums today. Is 4 months typical for a first tooth to show, or is this early? Anything I can do to hel...
My 3 mo old seems to be teething. He is fussy and chews on everything. His blankie, his fists, etc. But will not chew on a teether, i have tried even putting it in...
My 3 month old son is teething really bad already. I have tried everything. Tylenol, teething rings, cold wash cloth, warm wash cloth, baby oragel and he is miserable...
I have a 4&1/2 month old baby who has been driving me crazy the past 4 days with teething. I've tried tylenol, teething rings, teething tablets, wet wash cloths, rubb...
My daughter is 5 months old. She is eating everything in site. She is constently drooling everywhere. Her hands are always in her mouth. She dosen't cry but i don't k...
So my daughter teething and its the two bottom teeth that are coming out, One has already broken through and the other is right about there. My daughter has been so f...
My 11 month old son has 3 teeth coming in all at the same time. He just sits and cries all day. What can I give him besides Motrin and a teething ring?
Has anyone's toddlers had alot of trouble while getting their eye teeth? My daughter has one that is barely starting to come through (I can only see a little white, ...