My one year old granddaughter Sophia does not like having her tempature taken. Currently using under the arm. They have also used ear Safety First, but it always show...
Are all basal thermometers slow, or is it just the one I've got? It literally takes 4-5 minutes for my basal thermometer to give me each morning's readout. Can anyo...
I am looking to purchase a reliable Basal Body Thermometer (BBT) for charting my cycle. I would like a thermometer that is reliable/accurate, digital, backlit, and b...
I need a good (digital if possible) thermometer. The one I have from walgreens is very inaccurate and inconstant. It can go from 97 to 100 in the same minute. Any rec...
Can someone recommend a highly accurate, fast reading thermometer (for under arm and/or rectal)? My current baby thermometer is impossible to use as it takes at leas...
I have a 16 month old with another on the way...and want to purchase a new thermometer that is easy to use but accurate. The one I currently have came in a 'kit' I re...
My son is almost 5 months old, and to my knowledge (I'm not complaining, mind you!) has never had a fever, although sometimes his head feels really hot to me. I have...
Does anyone have a good recommendation for a really accurate thermometer for reading fevers? I have used the digital under arm ones for my toddler girl, who is now a...
I am definately looking for a good forehead thermometer and was wondering if anyone knew a good one to buy. Also I am contemplating getting my own pulse oximeter to ...
I have a one year old who will not sit still long enough for me to take her temperature under her arm and I am not sure I can do it rectally. Does anyone have a recom...