I bought a target brand digital thermometer. It takes the temp in 8 seconds. The faster the better!!
My one year old granddaughter Sophia does not like having her tempature taken. Currently using under the arm. They have also used ear Safety First, but it always shows same temp. so it is not accurate. We are looking for a quick accurate one, preferrably ear, any and all suggestions welcomed. Thanks,C.
I bought a target brand digital thermometer. It takes the temp in 8 seconds. The faster the better!!
We love our temporal thermometer made by Exergen. It's about $30, we found it at Sam's Club. All you do is push the button and run the tip across the forehead. It takes a dozen (or more) readings as it crosses your forehead and gives you the average. It's VERY accurate and quick and easy. Our whole family uses it, and the box says from newborns on up. Here's a link, just cut and paste:
Hi C.,
I recently bought a new thermometer. I used to own an ear one but I was running into a lot of problems and it was not accurate a lot of times. The one I just purchased cost around $20 and found it at Wal-Mart. It's one that you scan it across their head and I love it. I tried it on me and it's pretty accuarte. The name of the company that makes it is Exergen and it's called Exergen Temporal Scanner Infrared Thermometer. I hope this helps you out. Good Luck.
We use ThermoScan by Braun. Have had the same one for more than 5 years with absolutely no problems. I don't remember where we bought it... Target maybe?... but we get the replacement ear covers at Target all the time.
It's easy, accurate, etc.
They have a device that rolls across the forehead. It is very accurate.
Exergen Thermoscan! I got it at Walgreens. Around $40. It works and you can do it while they are sleeping. Go get it.
We have been using the Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer for a couple years now. Just run it across the forehead, it doesn't even wake a sleeping child. I got mine at Babies R Us but I think even Walmart sells them now. So far we haven't had to replace the battery and it's been dropped numerous times and still works fine.
ok the best one I have found is one that they use in the hospital its called an EXERGEN temporalScanner infrared thermometer it takes 2 seconds you run it across there forehead and its accurate Ive tested it against doing it rectal..and they cost about 25 dollars Ive had mine for a year now
We use a temperal artery thermometer. You push down the button and run it across the forhead and down toward the ear and thats it!! I love it. I would get you the brand, but it is in the room with my sleeping kids!!!
We got an expensive temporal kind, but I find that the one we have gives a different reading every time if you do it several times in a row, so I don't trust it. The best thermometers for my son who couldn't stay still long enough to take a temp were some stick-on thermometers by Vicks that I got at Walgreens. There were 6 in the package. Reasonably priced. You put the little sticker on under the arm and it can stay on for 24 hours. Even in the bath. Then you just lift the arm, while they are sleeping or whatever, and read the temp as needed. My son never minded having the sticker on. It wasn't particularly easy to read in the dark though, so I would bring a little flashlight in his room! Good luck.
I second the Braun Thermoscan. We have used it with both little ones and our pediatrician's office uses it as well. nice and quick and has been accurate when we have compared it to rectal temps when the kids are sick!
I have the Braun ear thermo and it us GREAT. It gets the temp in 2 seconds or less and is accurate. It also has disposable covers so you dint have to worry about wax ruining your thermo. I even use it on myself. Sure it was like $60 vs the other $30 ear ones but when it comes to your child, you can't put a price on quick and accurate.