I agree with the Exergen!
I am definately looking for a good forehead thermometer and was wondering if anyone knew a good one to buy. Also I am contemplating getting my own pulse oximeter to monitor my son when he is in his asthma crisis's. Does anyone prefer specific brands of those?
I asked my Pediatrician's office today about the forehead thermometers and they don't recommend them. So, can anyone recommend a GREAT ear one?
My pediatrician's office doesn't recommend the forehead thermometers, so we opted for the ear thermometer and we found one that works great. Thanks for the advice! As for the advice regarding the little girl that died, for all you first time mom's, keep in mind it was not the thermometer that killed that little girl it was poor medical care and a very septic girl.
I agree with the Exergen!
The Exergen Forehead thermometer works GREAT!!
Very easy and fast....swipe it across the forehead and it gives you a reading in about 2-3 seconds.
I love it...and so do the kids!
I was a field medic/corpsman for the USN and USMC. From my own experience I can tell you absolutely do not get a ear thermometer. I observed one of these devices lead to the death of a young 4 year old child in my ER. She had a double ear infection that went undiagnosed. The attending physican (civilian) made the family continue to go home after taking her temp and instructed the family to keep her on motrin/tylenol until the fever subsided. Yes, this doctor was awful. He would not listen to the corpsmen that were trying to attend to the child. When the last trip to the ER (this was I believe trip #5)due to febrile seizures (these are seizures that are brought on due to a high body temp.)came in to play they once again utilized the ear to take the temp. That little girl died. Later in the morgue when her temp was taken rectally it was still over 110 degrees.
I have never used these forms of tools to check my childrens temps. I use old faithful...a glass thermometer. You can buy them at Target with out the Mercury. My girlfriend swears by the kind that you rub across the forehead. If you chose to do an electric therm, please keep a glass thermometer on hand for emergencies.
I hope that this helps. You could go to a medical supply store for your p.o. They will help you out with the peds department. I have not had a lot of experience wth the peds field (well other than my 3 girls).
Good Luck,
I have to say I think the ear themometers word a lot more accurately and I found it easier to use than the forehead themometer. Pulse Ox.. I'm looking for one too. I'm an occupational therapy student and these are the one's we have at school to practice with and they're the same I use at the hospitals I intern at : http://www.coralmed.com/?page=pulse_ox.html&cart_id=5...
Hi C.,
My son has Brittle Asthma and we have and use a Nellcore NPB 60 - http://www.cnamedical.com/NellcorNPB40.htm Works FABULOUS!!
Hope this helps.
I definitely second the Exergen Temporal Artery Scanner. Its the same one they use in hospitals and it as long as you use it correctly, it will give you the most accurate body temp.
I'm not sure about pulse oximeters, but you can always ask your pedi if they know of any brands they'd recommend.