Soothing & Comforting: Infant, Exersaucer

Results 1-10 from 278 articles

Overly Needy Infant?

A.V. asks from New York

I have a beautiful 4-month old boy and while he is relatively easy to soothe and calm down, he becomes intolerably fussy within 2 minutes of being put down anywhere. ...


Crying Infant!!!

C.R. asks from Chicago

I have a new baby (4 weeks) that cries for extended periods of time and I don't know how to help her. Any suggestions? I have another daughter who is 3 but she was ne...


Help! Infant Is constipated....diluted Apple Juice Ok?

S.B. asks from Dallas

my little girl has been straining for about 25 minutes now. has anyone given apple juice (diluted or not) to an infant, and did it work?


Baby Walkers???

S.W. asks from Dallas

Okay moms, I've read the information on baby walkers and stationary activity centers. I've read that baby walkers can delay development (as well as the injuries) so...


Questions to Ask a Possible In-home Care Provider for an Infant

J.M. asks from Seattle

I am starting to look for a liscensed in-home care provider for my infant son. He'll be 9 months when I go back to work. What questions would you ask someone you we...


Am I Spoiling My Baby??

J.D. asks from Chicago

I am a first time mom to a beautiful 5 week old daughter. My husband and I were told by our pediatrician that we should let her cry so we don't spoil her. I was alw...


Baby Einstein

S.R. asks from Boca Raton

i was wondering what anyone thought about the baby einstein products, do you like the videos, cd, baby gear?


Baby Gift

J. asks from Chicago

One of my best friends is having her first baby. What are some of the things you love for your baby, things cannot imagine living without. (My baby is 16, so many t...


How to Unspoil a Baby?

G.D. asks from Atlanta

My cousin is young, just graduated highschool and have a 3 month old baby. We all know how it is with the first baby. You are learning how to be a mom and in the proc...


Baby Registry

T.L. asks from Dallas

I'm expecting my first baby and wanted to ask other moms where they registered for their baby shower. I know Babys R' Us is great. Is there any other store you would...