Skin, Hair & Bath Care: Child

Results 81-90 from 6,449 articles

5 Year Old Consistently Lying

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son will be 6 this June and he's been telling a lot of little lies lately. An example would be: I ask if he ate anything after school and he'll say no so I give ...


My 5 Year Old Son's Friend Has Cancer

D.C. asks from Portland

A friend of my son's since birth has recently been diagnosed with a likely fatal brain cancer (Glioma). I am struggling to cope with this news myself, as we are very...


5 Year Old Son Possible Aspergers

S.A. asks from Tulsa

My son was recently evaluated by a psychologist due to some bizarre behavior. He has been kicked out of almost all of the daycares that he has ever attended. He canno...


Bath Time

J.M. asks from Lafayette

My baby who is almost a year old has always loved baths from day one, however just recently the minute she sees the bath tub she throws a fit and screams the whole ti...


How Old to Bathe with Child?

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

An acquaintance of mine is doing some strange things recently, but one of them is to take baths with her 7-year-old son. Her husband (soon-to-be-ex-husband) contacted...


Biracial Hair Care

D.A. asks from Houston

I am white, my husband is black, and our daughter has hair with tight curls. We had been keeping it cut, because my husband likes her to wash her hair every day, but ...


Bath Time

M.O. asks from Peoria

Another silly question!!! How old were your child(ren) when you let the be in the bath tub alone... but in ear shot to hear them playing? My son is 3 and he wants to ...


Bath Time

J.J. asks from Minneapolis

Help my son is 2 years old and will not take a bath without a parent in the tub. We have tried the bath tub seat and small blow up tub. He will cry and not sit down i...


6 Year Old Triplets

S.H. asks from Washington DC

My sister is a proud mother of 6 children, Matt 21, Jason 20, Steven 10, Leeta,Lauren,Linda,6. Well her girls have always taken a bath together..always to save water ...


5 Year Old Son with Little Bumps After Scarlet Fever

A.G. asks from Dallas

Hi im new here and really need a little help.....About 4mths ago my son came down with strep throat and scarlet fever and the scarlet fever caused him to have little ...