Nap & Bedtime: Myself, Enfamil

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24 answers

Cry It Out Method

Hey ladies. I have a baby that is almost 7 months old. He is breast fed and eating solids now. He wakes up every night around 10 and is awake for about 2 hours at night. My husband and I are doing the cry it out method and I hate every bit of it. It breaks my heart to hear him crying. It doesn't seem to bother my husband at all. I go in there and check on him every 30 minutes, but I still can't stand to hear him cry. Everyone I talk to said it does work and they do sleep through the night. How many nights does this last? Also, my son is...


Infant Sleep Patterns

I don't know which question to ask first. My son has no schedule or natural...

Night Waking & Crying

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12 answers

Allergic to Enfamil?

My 3 month old has had feeding issues since he was a month old. He gets a stomach ache/cramps/gas and has bad reflux and nothing helped. Suspected milk allergy, switched to Enfamil Nutramigen but didn't seem to get much better. Tried Similac Alimentum and saw a huge improvement after a week. But if we give him the Enfamil, all his symptoms come back. Belly ache, cramping, gas, reflux gets worse and he chokes/aspirates and spits up all day. He is super fussy and cranky. He fights sleep during the day and wakes up more through the night. He...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...