Im a 45 year old stay at home mom. about 4 weeks ago, we discovered I was pregnant.(shocked to say the least) Went to the dr heard the heart beat the dr was really w...
Ok. My story's a little long but here goes. DH and I have been TTC for close to 5 years now. I am 25 years old. We have had many many false hopes, where I thought I w...
My husband and I have 5 children, the youngest of which is 15 months. We purchased our first home about 7 months ago specifically because of the size, and each of the...
My husband and I have been trying to concieve for about 6 months now. I am extremly regular, I am anywhere between 26-28 days on the dot. I am now at 33 days. I took ...
Do you believe in 'God will never give you more than you can handle"? I just wonder how others cope or how they handle their outlook on life. I know myself that I'v...
Hello, My husband and I are finally getting serious about having a family. We have been married almost 4 years and never used birth control, but have never been pregn...
So this question may sound weird and your wondering why i am asking it even thpugh i have 2 kids already, but i am a week late now, and since the birth of my 2nd chil...
I am always regular on my period and I am 2 weeks late...My last period started on the 25th of May. Ive taken 4 tests and all negative. I have been very sickly...diz...
I was wondering if anyone can tell me what early signs they might have noticed that gave them a hint that they were pregnant. My period isn't due for a few days. My...