Dishes & Utensils: Infant, Munchkin

Results 11-20 from 75 articles

9 Month Old Reluctant to Move past Baby Food

J.D. asks from Tulsa

My son LOVES to eat. So far, I haven't found a food he doesn't like. However, we have gone through just about every baby food on the market. I've tried introducing...


10 Month Old Hates to Eat Baby Food

C.L. asks from Boise

I have a real problem, my son is about 10 months and for the last month an a half he has not wanted to eat his baby food. He will take the first bite but then he will...


How Did You Get Your Infant to Open Their Mouth for Food

N.H. asks from New York

I have been giving my daught rice cereal, some veggies and now tried applesauce. It has not gotten easier with persuading her to open her mouth for a spoon. I am fe...


Weaning- No Idea What to Expect from a Non Bottle Taking Baby

H.X. asks from Los Angeles

my 7 month old has not taken a bottle in 5 months. As you can imagine, I'm pretty tied down as I can not leave my lovely little ball and chain for more than two- thr...


Help My Baby Is in Pain. :O(

J.S. asks from Dallas

My 11 month old son has 3 teeth coming in all at the same time. He just sits and cries all day. What can I give him besides Motrin and a teething ring?


Leak Proof Sippy Cup?

L.K. asks from Houston

I have had the hardest time finding a sippy cup that won't leak!! Any suggestions? I have used Munchkin, NUK, Nubi(?), and born free.


Ideas for Baby Gift for International Traveler (Not Gift Card)

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Any ideas? This is for my friend who bought me a $100 swing when I got pregnant. Now his wife is pregnant and he's visiting from China. I'd like to get him somethi...


What Does Your 1 Year Old Eat?

J.J. asks from Columbus

I have a little girl who just turned one. She won't eat very many things from a spoon. Yogurt is the exception. What does your one year old eat? Please tell me favori...



J.W. asks from Salt Lake City

I've been breastfeeding my baby since birth, now at 3 months old she refuses a bottle. She took her first bottle at a month old, then starting refusing them. She ba...


Exclusive Breastfeeder Won't Eat Solids

J.C. asks from Denver

I breastfed my 1st child until he was 4 months old (which was a challenge all 4 months). We switched him to formula to help with his cholic and he also started baby ...