Digestion: Toddler, Lotrimin

Results 1-10 from 11 articles

4 Month Old with UTI

S.M. asks from Seattle

my 4 month old daughter was diagonosed with a UTI last tuesday. we did 3 days of an injectable antibiotic and now are on an oral antibiotic for the next 3 weeks until...


8 Month Old and Constipation

S.A. asks from Boise

My eight month old has severe constipation. For the past 4 days has been pooping rabbit pellets. In fact last night he pooped and when i changed him, his bottom was s...


Yeast Infection in 9 Month Old?

H.H. asks from Dallas

My little girl always seems to be red in the diaper area, both inside her privates and on the outer lip area. Is there any cream I should be using to help reduce the...


Rash on 6 Month Old's Bottom

J.R. asks from Minneapolis

Our six month old has a rash on her bottom. We noticed a small couple of spots so started putting on A&D Ointment and change her every couple hours, whether really w...


9 Mo Son Has a Yeast Infction

M.S. asks from Anchorage

i had taken my son to the dr due to a bad diaper rash all over his pubic area...dr says that from all the diarea (SP) that my son had devloped a yeast infection and ...


Help My Niece Has a 4 Weeks Old Son, and Would like Feedback on the Following...

S.H. asks from San Francisco

My 20yrs. old, niece just had a son. He's 4 wks old. She is a first time single mom and she takes very good care of him, but she has a few concerns. Please HELP!!! ...


Almost 2Yr Old with Bad Diaper Rash!

C.M. asks from Fort Myers

I need help. My daughter is almost 2 and she had lose poopies for about a day and a half, she still have lose poopie but the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. I cha...


Bad Diaper Rash

A.B. asks from Tulsa

My daughter has had a pretty bad case of an ear infection. Well the medication she is on is causing diarrhea, which lead to a diaper rash/yeast infection. My question...


Seeking Help on Diaper Rash

A.S. asks from New York

It's been 3 months of dealing with diaper rash, yeast infection and eczema. Well at leat that's what the doctors said that my son has. I've tried everything. Multiple...


At Wits End with Diaper Rash

T.B. asks from Tampa

My son has had a bad diaper rash off and on for over a month to the point that his but gets all red and almost raw. At times you would think we were killing him to ch...