My grandson is 31/2 years old. Still not potty trained. He just does not seem to have any interest in it. Being in a wet and dirty pull up just does not bother him. W...
Please do not send anymore responses to this request. I appreciate the suggestions but I think moreso I just needed to vent and feel validated. :) contingencies are f...
So for years my husband has been naging me to let his mother take our kids out girl 4 boy going to be 3. I had been hesitant because well they were little and I did...
I have an almost 5 yr old daughter who goes pee on the potty and has for some time and she has never had an issue with bedwetting, however she refuses to go poop on t...
My oldest is 3 1/2 (he'll be 4 in 4 months), and when we sit him on the potty he starts throwing a temper tantrum and screams "I don't want to go potty!!!" We've tri...
How, as a SAHM, do you keep your sanity. Don't get me wrong, I love being home with my boys (2 yo and 7 mo) and wouldn't want it any other way, but how do you keep y...
I'm a married SAHM with 2 kiddos. My hubby works long hours and is basically his own guy. The kids and I do our thing, I manage the household duties, I plan their act...
I am potty training my daughter and yesterday while we were out she said she had to go potty. As we walked to the toilet I could tell she really had to go so I sat he...
I'm a soon-to-be 1st time gramma and wanted to make sure my daughter had some great things to help her
transition into parenthood with the new baby. Is ...
Hello Ladies
I have enjoyed reading so many posts. I resigned with my company last week to be stay at home mom. Wow, there is a learning curve! My 22 month old ...