I am a SAHM. WE only have 1 vehicle.
My Husband works.
*I* have the van, not him. THAT is because... I am home with the kids. We need to do things. It is not reasonable for us to just be stuck at home. We have appointments/Doctor/Dentist/errands for the home etc. And I have to take OUR kids to school and pick them up everyday.
AND if my Husband took 'our' van to work, then it would just be sitting there, ALL day, in a parking lot, and having to pay for parking every darn day. So that does not make sense.
My Husband KNOWS that. HE carpools to work. After work, he catches the bus home. NO problem. That is common sense. That I have the vehicle.
This is the way it has been, since I gave birth to my 1st child, 8 years ago. It is a necessity, for me/our kids.
So, for you without a vehicle... CAN your Husband, let you have the car? And he carpool or catch a bus??? Or does he need the vehicle for work????
OR, YOU can drive him to work everyday and pick him up after work.
I have done that too.
Being stuck at home, without a means of doing pertinent things, sucks.
AND what if there were an EMERGENCY or your kids were sick? Then what? You don't even have a vehicle to help them.
So you need to walk places. With your kids in tow. Or catch the bus.
And yes, you never get any "Me" time.
You and your Husband, NEED to talk about this.
AND to clearly, delineate, what you BOTH need to do, as a couple, per DAILY household, personal, and child responsibilities.
- For example: How do you take your baby to his well-baby check-ups??? Or how do you go to your own Doctor/Dental appointments?
He needs to, allow you to go out, just yourself, and do things and have your own time.
Being COOPED up, all day, every single day, at home with 2 kids.... would drive ANYONE nuts.
It has nothing to do with loving being a Mom and a SAHM or not. This is about.... being able to SHARE a vehicle, and being able to have the ability to have adequate things for your kids.
Does your Husband actually WANT you and HIS kids, to be cooped up ALL day, every single day, at home, ONLY?
What if you or the kids have to go to the Doctor? I mean, kids need check-ups and dental care and what about errands?