Diaper Bags: BOB

Results 71-80 from 177 articles

Seeking Advive on Jogger

J.J. asks from San Francisco

I'm looking into purchasing a jogger and seeking advice on brand,model,etc.


Advice on Double Stroller

A.C. asks from San Diego

I am going to have an infant soon and my daughter will be too young for the sit and stand double stroller. Does anyone have any advice on what type of double strolle...


Strollers for Long Walks

P.M. asks from Chicago

We just started looking at strollers, and decided easily on the Graco snugrider stroller to attach the car seat too. It was the first time I've seen a really small in...


Need Advice: Is a Double Stroller a Must for a 23 Month and a Newborn?

E.Z. asks from Chicago

We have started to do some research and shopping for a double stroller, and was wondering if we really need one. My son is 20 months now and our second is due in Apr...


Double Jogging Stroller Question!!

L.F. asks from Charlotte

I started watching a little girl about a month ago. I myself have a 1 1/2 year old. I bought an Instep double jogging stroller on E-bay last week so that I could ta...


Double Strollers

J.S. asks from Chicago

We have a 15 month old and just had another baby and are looking at double strollers. Anyone have any input on the Phil & Ted's Sport Double or the Baby Jogger City ...


Need Recommendation for a Double Stroller

M.S. asks from Portland

Hi other Moms.... I just found out I'm pregnant with baby number 2. I think my due date will be in early May, I see the doctor tomorrow. Anyway, since my lovely li...


HELP. I Don't Jog... I Hike! I Need a Good Sturdy Stroller for Ruff Terrain.

D.A. asks from Los Angeles

I'm looking for a jogging stroller but need something very sturdy. I need something tuff and not too expensive. Any suggestions??? I'm getting responses to get a b...


Potty Training Issue-Please Help!!

N.C. asks from Dallas

Yesterday, my son went to the potty all day. He didn't have an accident until I put him down for a nap. I even made sure he went potty before nap and he didn't even...


I Need a Good Stroller

C.W. asks from Washington DC

Okay, you would think after 3 children that I would have the stroller issue down, but sadly, I still can't seem to get one that both me and my child like. We current...