Changing Schools: Nutramigen

Results 1-10 from 93 articles

1 Year Old Drinking Nutramigen Formula ....what Do I Give Her Next?

J.T. asks from Phoenix

I was told she has a milk/protein allergy so we put her on the nutramigen, but what do I move her onto? She can't have soy or cows milk so now what? She eats solids b...


Frustrated New Mom

R.A. asks from Chicago

ok, i feel terrible because my 12 wk old seems to cry ALL the the car, on walks,in stores,during tummy time, changing of the diaper...I only have a few wks ...


Brand New 3 Month Old to My Family Daycare---unusual Feeding Schedule

R.F. asks from Syracuse

First three days of caring for precious 3 month old baby boy. He is happy, loves stimulation and children being around. LOVES to be held and especially talked to. ...


Baby with Milk Protien Allergy

N.C. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, I have a 10 month old little boy who has a milk protien allergy. We have him on Nutramigen formula and it is working great! My question is to anyone else that h...


Dairy Free, Soy Free Milk Alternative or Toddler Formula?? *Edited*

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

My son was on Nutramigen. It was the only thing he could tolerate. He is now 18 months old and we can no longer receive the Nutramigen through WIC. Does anyone know o...


Lactose Free Milk

T.T. asks from Yuba City

when our now 2 1/2 year old was born we had to put him on nutramigen formula since regular formula was too gassy and constipating and soy also constipated him. Now h...


Doctors Won't Help My One Year Old with Her Allergies

J.C. asks from Tucson

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had colic and excema when she was first born. Her pediatrician thought she might have a protein allergy and put her on Nutr...


Abdominal Pain

C.C. asks from Dallas

My son is two months old and he has severe tummy issues especially with passing gas. We took him to the specialist but he only prescribed Anti-acid meds. the pain is ...


1 Year Old Doesn't Drink milk...what to Give Him

D.B. asks from Dallas

My one year old was on Nutramigen as an infant and refused it at 10 1/2 months. We tried whole milk but it was tough on his system. We tried Rice Milk and he would ...


Milk Allergies--help!

J.C. asks from Houston

My son just turned 1 April 7th... he has be on Nutramigen since he was 2 weeks old. His dr said we were going to try him on whole milk once he turned one, and if that...