My daughter is 4 1/2 months and only a few times has her bowel movement been yellow. It is usually a green, most time stringy, mucous sometimes frothy. She also get...
I have sent out requests on here a few times about my son spitting up. We have tried two different perscriptions - zantac and prevacid. We have also tried a number ...
My son is almost 9 months and has always been very low on the percentile chart for weight. We had some breastfeeding issues but I am still doing it. I've been sup...
My 1 year old was on Similace with soy for the first 7 months of his life, he was diagnoses with refux also, so he threw up alot. When he was 7 months old the dr. su...
Hi all, my newborn seems very flatulent but I have a lot of difficulty getting her to burp after feedings and sometimes she ends up spitting up large amounts suddenly...
I noticed something not right at about four weeks of nursing my little guy...Non stop screaming, spitting up, rashes, gas, etc. I have another son with food allergie...
We have an odd situation happening with our 10 month old. On Monday - the doctor said she had an ear infection, and started her on Omnicef. Yesterday, between wake ...
I am breastfeeding my 7 week old and he consumes way more than my daughter did at the same age. I'm having trouble keeping up my supply with him...especially in the ...
Has anyone used mylicon for gas relief in their infant? My son is one month old and suffers from bad gas. He doens't cry from it but does fuss a lot. I'm looking f...
Ugh where do I begin. I have been dealing with my son's poor sleeping habits since he's been two weeks old. He is now 17 months old and still not sleeping properly....