Baby Swings: Infant, Desitin

Results 21-30 from 37 articles

What Items (Small) Could You Never Have Enough of When You Had a Newborn?

S.A. asks from Chicago

My daughter's teacher's wife just had her second baby. I'm trying to think of something clever and useful to give them for a gift. I'm sure they have a ton of cute ...


The Worst Diaper Rash Ever!

L.L. asks from Rochester

My daughter is almost two. Super quick background...she has Celiac disease, has been GF for over a year, and has had severe trouble with constipation to the point of...



M.O. asks from New York

Hi! I'm having my 1st baby in February and before I even start on a baby registry I wanted to ask experienced moms out there, as far as health and safety for newborn...


Things Mom's Want to Know When Expecting First Child.

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

I'm preparing a newborn class for new parents. I would like to know what are topics of concern for mothers expecting their first baby, or things you wished you knew w...


Taking 7 Month Old to the Beach

L.C. asks from Scranton

we're planning a vacation for the 3rd week of July with my baby, who will be 7 1/2 months at the time. I already have a list of things to take that is 2 1/2 pages lo...


Over Run by Weddings (Need Gift Ideas ASAP)

S.F. asks from Utica

So I have 5 weddings and 2 baby showers to attend in the next few months. One of which is this weekend and I still dont have gifts for any of them. We went out yest...


What Was Your "Push" Present?

M.P. asks from Chicago

I know it's not standard with everyone but it seems to be becoming more popular for the father of the baby to present a "push" present to the mother of the baby for a...


9-Month Old Only Sleeps Through the Night in Carseat

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My 9-month old loves his carseat. He is teething. For a while he would sleep 9 lovely hours in his crib. However, since teething started he is up every hour in...


Newborn Questions

A.S. asks from Dallas

I am a new mom, and my son is a week old today. I have questions and need advice from you moms out there. 1. My son will nap anywhere but will only sleep in our be...


2 1/2 Year Old Daughter Self-stimulating

M.M. asks from Anchorage

My almost 3 year old daughter has always been very tactile. She is a thumb sucker, blanket rubber, and has always liked to rub the soft side of velcro or her daddy's...