Acid Reflux & GERD: Infant, Alimentum

Results 1-10 from 471 articles


C.J. asks from Los Angeles

Ever since our 9month old was four weeks old she had TERRIBLE colic. She was diagnosed with a severe case of acid reflux. She's been on Zantac, Reglan, Maalox, and no...


Acid Reflux

D.B. asks from San Francisco

Any suggetsons on helping my child cope with severe acid reflux????He is on Zantac four times a day and still has issues> Thank you again


Acid Reflux

K.C. asks from Atlanta

My 3 month old has acid reflux, she chokes and coughs which often times keeps her awake. Any suggestions on ways to help her be more comfortable, lessen the effects?


Acid Reflux

H.C. asks from Melbourne

My three month old was born with acid reflux that the pediatrician has prescribed Zantac to "prevent" spells of the choking and vomit, but it has only limited their n...


Similac Alimentum

M.M. asks from Boston

I have been writing on here a bit about my son and his acid reflux. My doctor now gave him similac alimentum. I guess it is a perscription formula. He hates it. W...


Acid Reflux in Infant

M.Q. asks from New York

Hello everyone. I am writing to get as much feed back on acid reflux in infants as I can. My daughter started spitting up when she was 2 weeks old i was breastfeeding...


Infant Acid Reflux Advice

E.A. asks from Norfolk

My six week old son has been diagnosed with acid reflux and is currently on Axid for treatment. It does not seem to be working. Any suggestions?


Infant with Acid Reflux

M.B. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone, My baby girl just turned one month yesterday. She was having issues gaining weight and was spitting up several times a day (almost all that she ate)....


Alimentum Formula

A.C. asks from Elkhart

Resently tried alimentum formula and my 7wk old began gaging and gasping for air when he'd burp or spit up. It scared me so bad one morning almost took him to emerg...


Acid Reflux

K.C. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have experience with sleeping a baby on a wedge to help with reflux? We went through 14 minths of terror with my first son but never used a wedge. My th...