We used a modified wedge with our daughter (almost 4). The terror is real, isn't it? She would esentially not breath for what seemed forever, but was probably seconds. It's the look on their face that kills you:-)
I think the wedges were just coming about then. I used a bouncy seat, which we got cheaply at a huge yard sale, and we bent it so it was lower, but still inclined slightly. I placed it in the pack and play next to our bed, and she slept in that for months. Once she was able to sleep on her tummy, we transitioned her to her own room and crib, but I was never without the baby monitor so I could hear. Our sessions improved and mostly disappeared by 11 months (Prevacid, Alimentum {yuck} and all). When I looked at the wedges, they seemed like they might not be as stable or easy to use. I found the the bouncy seat great, because it cradled her. She didn't end up with a flat head, either:-)
Since you've been through it once, you probably know about the GERD groups out there, but they do offer great support, ideas and talk groups.
Hope that helps...good luck. Let me know. I can talk or correspond further if you want....let me know.
Take care, K.
I just read the other responses, and we also stuck elevators under the matress once she transitioned to the crib.