my baby didn't have acid reflux per se, but when her belly hurts or anything like that i tried a few home remedies the older folks recommended... try switching the formula to soy based or lactose free. This was our answer to the colic, crying, etc. It turns out my baby is lactose intolerant. ever since we switched the formula, it has been such a different and happier environment. Things we did try before we figured out she was lactose intolerant:
1. the gripe water... if teh daycare won't give it to her, then put the amount recommended on the gripe water bottle, in her formula/bottle. Prepare it and take it to the daycare. My Dr had a problem with gripe water until the baby was about 6wks, then she said to give her some. I didn't put the recommended amount in it, just half and it helped some.
2. chamomile tea with anis, or just anis tea. i would give her 1/2 an oz of the tea diluted with a little bit of water, to maybe giver her an oz or oz and a half. i would give it to her at night as the chamomile relaxes her, as that is when she would get the fussiest.
3. try putting a tiny little bit of sugar in her regular water. this supposedly helps strengthen their digestive track and it soothes them. not sure the reason, but it worked on her.
we also switched bottles to Dr. Brown's. She has very little gas and no spit up. i think she's only thrown up twice since all of this and it's been months apart. mind you, all baby's are different and all dr's have different opinions, but only you can make the decision you feel is best for him. i hope it works out for you, good luck.