My husband and I try to get together at least twice a week. We have a 4 month old so it is still easy as far as her coming into the bedroom.
Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering what everyone's opinion is on how much sex is a normal amount per week or month. I guess I just keep feeling like I should want it more frequently than I do and that my partner should also want it more than he does. We have sex maybe once every one to two weeks. Is that normal?
My husband and I try to get together at least twice a week. We have a 4 month old so it is still easy as far as her coming into the bedroom.
Honestly, there is no normal. Especially with kids. Sometime we can do it 2-3 in one week, then go almost 3 weeks before we do it again. This time of year is also harder (depending on where you live), cold/flu season. Then there is our monthly friend, that kills almost a week. Being in the mood or having the energy at the same time. Lots of things add to it, believe me. My hubby and I have had many a discussion on this topic.(I'm usually the one bringing it up, too, lol.)
Hang in there, sometimes you have to plan for it, exhausted or not.
Hi J.-
My hubby and I just had a baby 4 months ago. Before her we would do it just about every day up to 4 times a day. Wow do i miss that. hahaha. But now were lucky if we get it 2-3 times a week. But i am happy with our sex life, and thats the key. If you and your partner are happy with your sex life that is all that counts. Stop worry about norms. Communication is always important, talk to your partner and make sure your both happy were your sex life stands. My hubby and I are usually so tired by the end of the day, we just like to cuddle and visit with each other, cause we miss our alone time where its just us; with out being focused on our baby.
Communicate and stop worrying, Good luck, and just enjoy each other.
It's different for everyone. Is that how often you want it? Has your partner voiced any concern over the situation? I would talk to your partner about it and see how they feel. I know that having children can be exhausting and sometimes you just don't want it. Maybe too, you could just try doing something different, role play or a game or an outfit or a fantasy. Sometimes with kids and working and things you get stuck in a rut. I would just try talking to your partner and go from there. Good luck.
Hi there J.,
Everybody is so different when it comes to the subject of sex. For some people once a week would not be enough. For others this would be way too often. If you are feeling like your own desire is lacking a little, maybe you should talk with your partner about it to see how he is feeling. Maybe the two of you can put your heads together and come up with some ways to spice it up a little bit. :)
Good luck to you!
yes that is def normal...my daughter is 11 months..we are a lot less active LOL
Hi J.,
I went through a long period of time where I REALLY didn't want sex with my husband. I knew that we should have it because it's good for your marriage, but I just couldn't bring myself to want to do it. It must have been my hormones screwing me up...but that feeling gradually subsided. Now, we have sex about once a week and I'm very happy with this amount. Unless I'm pregnant I never initiate (when I'm pregnant I want sex all the time!).
My name is A. i am married and have 2 babies and all and i think it is normal i get it maybe 1-2 times a week sometimes 1 time a months because we are so busy and at the end of the day we arfe so tired and all we just want to cuddle and all and injoy each others company and all so yeah dont worrie u are okay
dont worrie
A. r
"Normal" is different for everyone, and does tend to ebb & flow with time. You may find that in a couple of years you are more active.
When my hubby and I first got married my hubby wanted it 2-4 times per week. Now we are lucky to manage once a week, and I can't really say that I "desire" it even that frequently (although I always enjoy it when hubby initiates...just saying that if he didn't initiate, I wouldn't miss it). If you are both happy with your situation, then that is right for you.
That sounds like a perfect amount. You aren't sex addicts, and you have a healthy sexual relationship as far as amount goes. It's great that you are both on the same page with that.
This has always been a sore subject for my husband and I. He could do it every day/twice a day. I am exhausted at night and have no desire after the kids go to bed. We have compromised and try it once/twice per week at night and try and sneak one in in the morning or after the bus has come when MY energy level is higher.(this is an average and not the norm EVERY week) Everyone has different libidoes and different energy levels. I have a friend who does it twice per month and both she and her husband are perfectly satisfied with this. Like one other poster said, if it ain't broke..don't fix it. Go with what works for the two of you.
I think that sounds perfectly normal for responsible parents of a busy 2 year old!
If your partner isn't complaining and you feel fulfilled, then don't fix it if it isn't broken.
Happy New Year!
Well it depends on your libidos. If you are on the higher side, you sex "count" would be higher.
I usually average the deed about every 3-4 days. Then again if we are busy (we have an active 4 yr old) sometimes sleep is a better option. LOL
If your man is happy and you are happy with your bedroom time, don't worry about an actual "count"
Well you get it more then my husband and i do. He works 2nd shift and i work, school and 3 kids. By the weekened we are spending time with the kids and doing our errans together.
I think that it depends on how tired you are and how stressed you are. Loving making is not a chore but a lovely thing. Enjoy every time that you are with ur husband and don;t look at how many times a wk or mnth that you too do it.