It's a public message board where people ask for responses! Many of these questions actually ask how many people feel or don't feel a certain way, so if they get 20 responses all in one camp and two in another, it gives them a pretty good idea of the "average" feeling on their topic. When I post a question, I want as many responses as I can get. If I get 50 that basically tell me the same thing - it's still helpful because I know that many people feel that way, so maybe they're onto something. In cases like the post several days ago where the woman was living with a hothead who is abusing her son and making them all miserable - she needed a wakeup call! I think many of us would have liked to shake her awake! She evidently didn't like all the responses and would rather have her children abused than be a single mom, but posts like hers NEED a lot of answers all saying the same thing. Who knows? Maybe it actually gets through sometime!