Before you talk with your mum I would get a couple things ironed out in my own mind:
- Keep it, adoption, or abortion... as in what do YOU really want to do, and what would / could make you change your mind if anything. Be prepared for the answers to either be immediate OR to take a couple weeks to figure out. We often think that we know what we would do in a given situation BEFORE it happens, but then, come to find... when it actually happens we get a different answer. I know with my son I waited a few weeks before I told the people who were important in my life (his father to be, my parents, etc.) because I really needed time to process. Ditto, I had to be reminded a few times by my confidants that I needed to give them the SAME time to process that I gave myself. As in, by waiting, I was ahead of the game. And needed to allow them to catch up to me.
- Logistics. For myself, being in school while raising my son was the best thing EVER. I had to think a little outside of the box (ex: I could never take a full load, because doing so made me a mediocre mother AND a mediocre student, but after figuring that out - 1 class first quarter, 2 classes 2nd quarter, 3 classes 3rd quarter -whoa!-, need to stick with a max of 2 classes!... and then later only 1 "hard" class at a time -when kiddo dropped a nap-, so 1 hard class & 1 easy class kept me with enough credits to keep my financial aid.... ANYHOW 2 classes per quarter let me 4.0 my classes AND be a great mum. I don't have a 4.0, because I had to learn during 3rd quarter after birth that 3 classes was too many, and again when kiddo went to one nap that I had to balance a hard and an easy class.), but thinking outside of the box was the BEST decision I ever made. All the benefits of being a working parent and a stay at home parent together. I only had to arrange 10 hours a week of childcare... and got "paid" the same as if I was working 40. I got to further my education/ income potential while essentially being a SAHP. There are also TONS of "women and family services" offered through universities (the UW paid for my son's KILLER montessori preschool through their childcare subsidy that I never would have been able to afford on my own), the was campus daycare that I ended up not using, counseling, housing, tons and tons of things that just have to be sought out.
But yah... for myself... logistics meant planning out everything I would need to do if I were completely on my own (insurance, tuition, housing, childcare, income)... and then everything else that other people could offer was BONUS. I found I didn't need a single other person in order to make things work, so no one had "power" over me AND, like I said, anything that anyone else offered was BONUS. Extras :). Things to be grateful for instead of depend on.
- What will you do if everyone freaks out? And they may. Either temporarily or permanently. Work through every possibility. From everyone demanding an abortion, to calling you names, to needing the state to file for child support & or restraining orders.... to everyone being THRILLED... or people trying to push their own agendas (marriage, moving home, abortion, adopting, keeping it, etc.). Pregnancy hormones tend to set people on edge. I highly recommend working out best, probable, and worst case scenarios ahead of time. Get strong in yourself.
3D ultrasounds are considered "extras". One can tell, quite easily, how far along you are (give or take a week) with a regular ultrasound. LOL... had NO idea when my son was concieved, so the first one (11 weeks, give or take a week) was a *crackup*. He looked like an alien cat. No lie. Take me to you, meow, leader. But from that... we were able to get a general idea of what was up and schedule the "normal" ultrasound (to check for sex, abnormalities, etc.). For 3D ultrasounds (not covered by most insurance), one *typically* waits until mid to late 3rd trimester. In no small part, because prior to that, they look really, really freaky. Scary freaky. Organs hanging out & deformed freaky. Even early to mid 3rd trimester they look like concentration camp survivors. They don't build up the fat layer until the very end... so they don't exactly look like *babies*. Don't get me wrong... 3ds are FANTASTIC. But one usually wants to wait as long as possible before getting them. Like 32-36th week at the earliest.