Congrats on the new baby! My son was also 2 at the arrival of my second. I,too had the same fears. After allowing him to prep the baby's room, help buy things, reassurring him that I will need his help when the baby arrives. I bought a big brother book (not too interested). He liked the more hands on approach. I took him to a ceramic class ans had him pick out and make something for his brothers new room! Just be excited and constantly include him. I bought him a giftfor the day that the baby is born and comes home. Little things...don't go overboard. I let him hold the baby (w/ help of course) whenever he wanted. Two years later they are fantastic together still. They love one another and there has been no sign of jealousy on either end. Don't worry. God gave moms the specialgift of having enough love and time for everyone! Best of luck it will all be fine!