"I appreciate you" is a phrase that can have widely different definitions. He may feel he really does appreciate you . . . from his perspective. He may even feel he shows you that he appreciates you.
From his perspective, going to work every day and bring home a good pay check may satisfy his definition.
Your defination may include, flowers and love poems, and he has no idea that's what you want. Let me say that again, He has no idea what you want. Mind reading was the only class I failed in college. I bet he didn't do any better.
Sit down and write out what it would take for you to feel appreciated. If he was the perfect husband, what would he be doing? Then pick out two or three things that would make a big difference and then highlight them. Then, find a time when he is ready to talk with you. (Not during Monday night football or a program he wants to watch,)
Bring up your disappointments and your goals for the future. Give him a couple of things he could do that would improve your time together. Tell him you like it when he _____ and when he ______. Then tell him you would really feel appreciated if he would _______. If his vulgarity is a big turn off, then tell him. DON'T overwhelm him with 10 things he isn't doing or 10 things he could do to make things better.
Since this is going to be a life changing situation, and since most people do what they want to do, realize him changing from what he wants to do to what you want him to do shows a great deal of appreciation for you and how much you mean to him.
For your side of this equasion, get the book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". You will learn a lot about men and your husband. Then give the book to him to read. He will learn a lot about you and women.
Watch the movie, "Fireproof" and get the movie's companion manual, "The Love Dare". Follow the instructions in the Love Dare. You will be amazed at how you and he will change for the better.
I've been married 39 years and I am still married because I have followed the principles in the Love Dare.
ETA: Read what Julie G, Kerstin, and HisMomma have to say. They have given you very good suggestions. WorldOf4, you are right. Love is a verb, not a noun.
Good luck to you and yours.