Advice about how small your size is while being pregnant.I have been told how small I am for being pregnant. I have been told I must be having a small baby and what d...
I have diabetes type 2 and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). In order to get pregnant my obgyn is putting me on Clomid to help the eggs develop because of the PCOS...
hi ladies- i have just recently had 2 miscarriages. i had 1 at 5 weeks (my doctor thinks it was a blighted ovum) and then just had 1 this week at 11 weeks (started sp...
Hi All- Does anyone know anything about causes that can bring on light-headedness (NOT dizziness/vertigo) that I haven't already thought of? I began to experience sev...
Ok, I am 28 yrs old and my husband and I have been ttc for 2 years, we have lost 3 babies all around 7-9 weeks, I know for sure the 2 were to the cause of "chromosoma...
I just read a post about having an occasional drink while pregnant, and it got me thinking about all the other things we aren't supposed to do for these nine months. ...
I failed my glucose test and now I am very worried about having gestational diabetes. Does anyone have experience with gestational diabetes. What effects did it hav...
I am experiencing extreme nausea as I did with my first two pregnancies and I would much rather be in labor the rest of the nine months than to continue being this si...
I want children so bad it hurts. The problem is I have PCOS and I don't have periods like a woman should. The last time I was pregnant the miscarriage was the doctors...
I am planning to get pregnant in the Fall.
What would you tell a friend to make sure to do during pregnancy? Preconception? During delivery? Those early days?