Hi A.,
I recommend getting all your unfinished house chores, projects, crafts, cleaning, etc done BEFORE the baby comes. Have that garage sale, get rid of items you dont want/need anymore - out with the old so there is organized room with the new. Get as organized as you can, because if you think it is ok to let it slide and take care of it after the baby because it really isnt that important or not a big deal - it will be a big deal again between 1 and 4 months after the baby. Anything from getting your mail in order to finishing a scrap book you want to do. Rearrange that furniture, paint a room or 2, or get those files in order. ANYTHING that your are putting off - get it done - completed! so everything from baby on is new and in order. I didn't do that and it is the LAST thing i want to do now because all it want to do in BABY! and those unfinished things are constantly nagging at me. Which happens whether one has baby plans or not. If you already have everything in order, you are set to enjoy and play and plan without guilt of 'gee, i should go thru the mail.' (no - my bills arent late. :) )
You know how they say, 'babies grow so fast'? well, Fast in our case was out of newborn clothes in about 3 weeks. He doubled his weight in the first 2 months! So as far as cloths, we had way too many items. He only wore everything like 3 times before he grew out of things. That is how fast it happened. I know every baby grows at different rates, but for the first couple of weeks it was easiest to dress him in side snap t's and a diaper (august). Onsies were fine but i still dont like pulling shirts over his head all the time, like after a blow out, which we still have issues with 6 mos later. ewww - up the back and on the arms and ewww. So basically, for us he was up to the next size anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks at a time. Now at 6 mos he is in 6-9mos or 1 yr depending of the brand. So, save receipts, get gift receipts and swap sizes if needed. (If you will use disposable diapers, go up a diaper size if you have blow outs. That sometimes helps.)
Get your hair (and nails?) done shortly before the baby comes so you dont have to deal with it in the early weeks (months?) of newborn.
I buy my baby's clothes on sale or second hand. The prices for new are too high unless you know they will get use out of it for more than 2 months. Find your baby resale shops in your area and check 'em out regularly.
I try to have only 1 or 2 of an item e.i. bottle, pacifier (to find ones they like - neither of which my boy took), and a handfull of blankets. You can always buy more if you need them, but i now have many things leftover that didnt get used. Luckily i didnt spend a lot of money on them.
Buy used items if you are comfortable with it like bassinet, crib, toys, items that can be cleaned satisfactorily. Or get them new from your registry!
Take prenatals like they all say. Start now. And do all the other things everyone else says. Read, learn, play, enjoy!
Enough from me - blah blah bla....
How exciting!!!!!!
: )