My grandson's feet have smelled horrible off and on since he was a toddler. I just about die when he takes his shoes's just not normal to smell so bad an...
My little bohemian has been toddling around the house in her socks or bare feet as she has just started to walk recently. I have never put shoes on her up until this ...
Hello all!
I need some ideas/advice on how to be more organized for school this year! We have coat racks and a bucket for shoes near the door, but what about lunch ...
I noticed a couple of weeks ago when my son took his socks off that the bottom of his feet were white. White like paper is white. I washed his shoes, then changed the...
To start off, my sons feet sweat horribly when he wears tennis shoes for very long. They've always done that (my husband and I have the same problem). This morning w...
For my first question..
My daughter is 15months and ever since she started teething at 6months, she has been wanting to sleep next to me and my husband. At first i ...
As soon as it gets warm outside my sons break out their Crocs. My youngest son gets a skin irration from his. It looks a bit like athlete's foot. The skin on his toes...
I have a very nice and precious friend. She means the world to me; she is like a sister to me. The problem is she has
this very bad foot odor and she shares her pr...
Today I picked up my daughter from daycare, she was walking around the daycare barefoot (no socks).
I went to retrieve her shoes, I was directed towards where they w...
My almost 3 year old son has always had problems with stinky feet (so does his daddy). I have tried washing his shoes, to no avail. Even after I wash his feet the odo...