Vitamin Cottage

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Results 21-30 from 866 articles

How Do I Get My Son to Drink Anything Other than Water

A.O. asks from Portland

My 16 month son has been weened from breastfeedg for 2 months now, but has no interest in drinking anything other than water or vit-water. I have tried soy, rice and...


Two Year Old Molars......

M.P. asks from Grand Junction

Our two and a half year old little guy is getting ALL of his two year old molars in at the same time. He is, needless to say, absolutely miserable. He had no problem...


Switching to Cows Milk

T.R. asks from Chicago

I just started my 11 and a half month old daughter on whole milk, my question is, what is whole milk? I have used the horizons organic whole milk just because it says...


3 Yr Old Wont Eat Veggies or Fruits

D.A. asks from Springfield

i have a rambunctious almost 4yr old who hasn't ate fruit or veggies, unless hidden, for a long time, goin on about a yr and a half. If i chop veggies fine and serve ...


Changing to Milk

K.H. asks from Wichita Falls

My son is 11 months today. I was wondering if it was too early to start giving him Cows milk? He eats cottage cheese and scrambles eggs made with cows milk and has no...


Milk Requirements for 1 Year Old

M.S. asks from Reno

We recently transferred our 1 year old from the bottle to a cup. He is drinking Vitamin D milk, yet since transferring to the cup, he only drinks 4-8oz a day (and tha...


1200 Calorie Diet

J.B. asks from Orlando

I have recently gained a significant amount of weight. My Doctor has put me on a 1200 calorie daily regiment. Yet I have no clue what I can eat and not eat in a day...


Safe Insect Repellent

J.D. asks from Denver

Hey ladies-I started hunting around and then thought perhaps this pool of awesome mamas could help me...I'm searching for an insect repellent that WORKS, that's safe ...


Daughter Will Not Eat Meat Any Ideas????

T.B. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter will be 4 in June and does not eat meat except for the occasional chicken nugget and the little meat that's on pizza. Just wanted to know if anyone had an...


Looking for a Good Diet Plan for an Adopted 1 Year Old

M.B. asks from Detroit

Hi everyone - I'm trying to get a handle on a good diet plan for my newly adopted 1 year old daughter from Russia. She's a pretty good eater, but has no teeth yet (a...

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