my daugther is the exact soma way & shell be 4 in Sept! I hadnt worried bout til We moved in with my Fiance & he became a huge part in helping raise her... He was raised to eat what is fixed for dinner, which was a huge fight every night for the longest time but she is finally getting better & actually eating what is on her plate, I just dont give her very much of what i know she doesnt light! Since we have actually found stuff that she does like that i would have never dreamed bout making her eat like fried spam last night! She loved it & wouldnt stop eating it! Shes still not big on most meat & we have to fight bout it alil but like i said before i just dont give her very much, maybe a few bites if i know she doesnt like it! Dont get me wrong it is very hard to do this she cried & screamed thru the whole dinner til she was done then was like YAY mommy look I made a happy plate & was so proud of her self! She still throws a fit thru some things but is so much better! She also has to take a small bite of anything new, & we have actually found stuff she liked that way to! Good Luck I know its hard!