Hey moms,
My ten year old son had his routine dental exam yesterday. The dental office recommended an ortho exam for him, but did not give me any specifics why. La...
I know this subject gets tons of questions every year... but I'm dealing with a 2 year old boy. Normal weight, normal height, but so very picky with his eating habits...
My daughter had an overbite and a gap between her front teeth. Her overbite was pretty serious and her teeth hit her soft pallet leaving an impression. She wore a n...
My daughter is almost 9 months old and she has 5 teeth - 2 on the bottom and 3 on top. Lately she's been grinding her teeth, and I can't think of a way to get her to ...
My eight year-old daughter had an evaluation by an orthodontist at Pine Dental (a pediatric dental practice) who said she has a cross bite that needs to be corrected ...
My daughter's dentists has recommended that we take her to see an orthodontist. She will be 6 in October and has had a pretty significant under bite ever since her t...
My daughther was receiving speech therapy but her therapist dismissed her because my daughther had a severe overbite. She recommended that I take her to an Orthodonti...
Any of you mommas have young kiddos in braces? I'm wondering cause they want to start my 7 year old with a palatial expander and braces within the next 6 months. Wh...
Hello, I know this is probably a stupid question but my son has his first tooth that has finally come through his gum at 8 months, but it's really crooked . One sid...
My son is twelve years old. He has NEVER lost any of his own teeth. Over the last couple of years, the dentist suggested to have them pulled in fear of the bones h...