I suppose each case is different. I am absolutely no expert. All I know is that my child was put in speech last year. He got an expander earlier this year (big bar going across his mouth to widen his pallet). I thought for sure we'd have to take a break from speech. The therapist told me that it would affect some sounds, but she could still work with him and keep him improving. Right now he has braces AND an expander. She told me the braces make some shapes a bit more challenging to practice, especially at first, but she has several students with braces and she wants to keep working with him. I asked about when they came off, and she said she didn't think he would have to relearn anything, but with a properly aligned mouth, speech will just be easier for him. BUt like I said, I am not an expert. Every kid and every case is different. Have you considered a consultation with another therapist? Just to see if your school therapist is correct in her conclusions?