My toddler has been scooting around on her bottom for at least 7 months now. She is 16 months old. She started sitting up early, but never crawled until this last mon...
My daughter was walking down an aisle at Costco, but she wasn't paying attention. There was a man who was standing at the end of the aisle who was browsing and she s...
I don't want to be one of those pushy parents trying to make my kid some kind of academic superstar, but I do strongly believe that in general we don't give our kids ...
My son is 2 years old and had twisted his leg a week before. Immediately after fall he was not able to stand on that leg. so i applied some ice.Next day he was able t...
My question is about a boy that I watch 4 days a week who is 17 months old. Ever since he was around one, his belly is hugely distended. I have three kids of my own...
Our almost 4 year old has been waking up 3-4 times a night and coming into our room with nightmares and wanting us to sleep with her. This has been happening since ju...
I have three children and work part-time. My children are 9, 2 and 1. My 2 year old is the most difficult of the three and hase been ever since 18 months. I am havin...
My daughter just had her 2 year-old check up, and turns out she hasn't gained any weight since she was 15 months old. She is now 34" tall (70-th percentile), and only...
To make this short, I used to be a very well behaved, polite little girl and along the way, people interpreted that as "shy". Whether the label became a self-fulfill...
I have a 2.5 year old whom I'm gradually realizing would be described as high needs and a seven week old. I know as they get older things will get easier, but right ...