Does anyone out there have any advice about what PDA is the best for a buzy mom of 2 boys with lots of things going on. Tryed the mom agenda book but half the time I...
Hello girls, you have helped me out in the past so I thought I would talk to you about many issues going on right now. I have been separated from my husband since Ja...
I'm wondering if anyone has any techniques or tips to help one of the children I'm watching. He seems to be having a stuttering issue, more than just the repetition ...
Okay ladies, you have always pulled through in the past!! We are traveling to Disney World in June. We will be meeting some friends there. We will have 4 adults an...
Hi ladies, my son goes to sleep between 8-8:30. He is in daycare for most of the week and we feel that he needs a good 10-11 hours of sleep. As an infant and a young ...
ok moms, i get that because i "only" have one child, i have no reason to get overwhelmed or frustrated, but i swear...!
i grew up in a family of 4 kids.
why do...
My daughter just turned five and is extremely social. She has a group of very close friends but is also always the first to go up to someone and ask them to play.
My husband has been wanting to purchase an RV for quite some time and by this spring we should have enough saved up to buy one. Do any of you own or have owned an RV...
Ok moms please helpthis is causing issues, first my ds is 9mo been breast feeding, he quit latching on at about 7months so I have been pumping, i have give or take ab...
Hi ladies,
I have a 3 year old son and 5 year old daughter, we co-sleep in a huge king bed. However, lately it is difficult to leave them asleep while I go study i...